I really enjoyed the interview with Jenni Murray on Thursday 19 February. You can listen to it on iPlayer.

Recalling my early years as a young diplomat in the 70s, reminded me of the journey women have taken over the decades. Back then, women had to resign on marriage. Men could happily marry, and take their wives and children around the world with them. They enjoyed a wonderful family life. Women, on the other hand, had to resign on marriage, or condemn themselves to a solitary life if they wanted a diplomatic career. It seems inconceivable now. But it was true. A handful of strong, intelligent women became diplomats and did excellent work around the world while leading a single life, without a partner and children. Many secretaries did too. Denying women the right to a family life would no doubt breach human rights’ law today!

Anyway, as you will hear in the interview if you listen, I refused to resign. Fortunately, the Sex Discrimination Act came into law while I was standing my ground. That made it illegal to discriminate against a man or woman on the grounds of sex or marital status. Hallelujah! I was fortunate enough to have a long career as a diplomat and a husband!